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How to check the CAPSLOCK ON or OFF with VB 6

How to check the CAPSLOCK with VB 6
Visual Basic 6 - How to check the CAPSLOCK with VB 6. Happy Friday guys. This is the first post on my blog. In the first post, I will give you a tutorial about how to check the capslock on or on the keyboard using VB6. 

But I`m Apologize, this blog does not give the tutorial sequentially from simple to advanced tutorials. But in this blog, what I knows What I write on this blog.

How to check the CAPSLOCK with VB 6 

To check the Caps Lock with VB6, you can following this source code
Tmp = GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital)
If Tmp = 1 Then
MsgBox "The Caps Lock Is On"
MsgBox "The Caps Lock Is Off"
End If

As for how to check out the CAPSLOCK with VB 6 you can follow the following steps:

  1. Create a project in VB 6 
  2. Input 1 button 
  3. Double click on the button 
  4. Input this code below on the button
  5.     Tmp = GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital)
    If Tmp = 1 Then
    MsgBox "The Caps Lock Is On"
    MsgBox "The Caps Lock Is Off"
    End If
  6. Or like this
  7. Private Sub Command1_Click()
    Tmp = GetKeyState(vbKeyCapital)
    If Tmp = 1 Then
    MsgBox "The Caps Lock Is On"
    MsgBox "The Caps Lock Is Off"
    End If
    End Sub
    Or see the picture below
    How to check the CAPSLOCK with VB 6
  8. Run

You can place that source code above whereby only according to needs such as in the event load or other events.

As for the example application is as follows
How to check the CAPSLOCK with VB 6

I think That's enought for Visual Basic 6 tutorials about how to check the CAPSLOCK with VB 6. See ya...

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